Today, I got a delightful e-mail from the director of this amazing band from Praieie View:
According to him, surprisingly, the trumpets and horns use Best Brass mouthpieces exclusively!!!
We are so glad to have been able to be a part of this beautiful show. I thank you Dr.Timmey Zachery for sharing this and would like to share what you wrote to us, which really motivate us:
I am going to try to schedule a visit to your company one day.
I also spread the word about all of your products to my students and friends here in the USA
I truly believe your company is one of a hand full out there that really makes Superb Products, from your mutes, mouthpieces to your horns I have been totally amazed by the quality and consistency of your products. Thanks again. Timmey Zachery
2015/09/17 17:58 Kota Hamanaga