Hello everyone.
It is very sunny and very warm day today here in Hamamatsu city!
Today, I am excited to let you know this great news that Exhibition at the upcoming Musikmesse2010 has been decided! Our booth number is going to be "Hall 1.1 B50".
It is always hard for people abroad to try our products, and it should be very good opportunity to do it at the Musikmesse, which is held from March 24th to 27th in Frankfurt, Germany.
I will be waiting for your visit!
Meantime, I would like to introduce our lovely dog this week. Please look at the pictures below. His name is Marlon "Best Brass" Hamanaga.
He is basset hound and now almost a year old. This picture was taken when he was just 4 months years old.
He sing along us when we play trumpet in our office. That is really cute... Well, sometimes very annoying. But, I can forgive him everytime I saw him looking down me from the top of the stairs. Please check it out, and you will love it :-)))

Jesus. How ugly-cuteness it is. Oh, I love him. Cheers to Basset Hound!!!
2010.1.29 (Fri) Kota Hamanaga
How are you doing everybody!?
Yesterday, I came back to Japan from the NAMM SHOW 2010. The show was extremely fun and successful, I believe. All those who visited our booth, thank you very much!!!
I went to San Fransisco after the show to do sightseeing. It was so fun!
Of course, I got on the classic cars, and I even landed on Arcatraz! Unfortunately, I could not eat sea food there this time. I mostly ate junk foods. Yeah, I love American junk foods.
My favorite is "Chipotle".
Anyway, here is the news.
1. An Article about the concept of our Trumpets and mouthpieces is in the Japanese brass and woodwind magazine called "Pipers", which was published yesterday.
I know it is hard for most of people who are reading this news to get the magazine and read it, but the article in the magazine of this issue should be very good essence for brass instrumentalists. If you have some opportunities, please get and read it.
The response at NAMM SHOW about our products were realy and extremely great, I believe. I have already decide attending the next NAMM SHOW 2011 in my mind.
A lots of people visit and stop by our booth and it was really enjoyable. I hope to see all those who visited us this year in the next show and will be looking forward to meeting YOU!
Please let me give my thanks to great Trumpet player Jamie Hovorka here. We could not acheive this successful show without him. Thank you, Jamie!!!
"Great Trumpet Players in the near future!!!"

Mr. Keith

"Enjoying the e-Sax"
2010.01.22 (Fri) 19:45 Kota Hamanaga
Hello everybody! This is Kota again.
As I wrote last week, I am in Los Angeles and attending the NAMM SHOW 2010.
So many people come by our booth and try our products, and some of them are real great players in this brass world!! Besides, they all like our products so far and I could not be happier about it. What a nice guys they are!
Since I am just attending NAMM SHOW this week, I do not have any particular news.
So, I will put a picture of our booth here.

BEST BRASS booth with Jamie Hovorka.
Oh my god, I remember that I forgot to take picture with one college student who stopped by our booth yesterday... He liked our products. Thank you very much for coming to our booth!!
I should have taken a picture with him... Let me just give my comment to him.
"You have to come again so that I will surely take picture and put it here!"
Anyway, we have two more days for NAMM SHOW. I'll be looking forward to meeting YOU!
2010.01.15(Fri) @21:41 in Los Angeles. Kota Hamanaga
Hello everyone in the world!!
Well, I should say Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu!!! (A Happy New Year)
This is Kota Hamanaga from BEST BRASS, and I am in charge of writing this "BEST BRASS News", which is SUPPOSED TO BE updated every Friday. ...OK, I will try that.
This is a new approach for us to tell everybody about us. I hope you enjoy this corner :-)
Here are the BEST BRASS News of this week.
1. The renewal of our web-site has been finished!
2. We have started selling AIOLIA Piccolo and ARTEMIS Pocket!
3. We are going to attend and exhibit at the upcoming NAMM SHOW 2010!
As you might realize, we have updated our home page. I hope you like this new web site.
With this update, it becomes available to watch some movies of our products. They are not gorgeous movies, but It should be a good tip for you to be able to listen to how they sound.
Wah-Wah & Cool Jazz
Also, you can more easily buy products online than before because of the online shopping site which we have just opened. We will be looking forward to receiving your order! ;-)
AIOLIA Piccolo and ARTEMIS Pocket are now available. It basically is made to order, so please feel free to contact us about the horns. bestbrass@msi.biglobe.ne.jp
Trumpeter Adam Rapa visited us in last November, and you can watch the movie of his test on AIOLIA and ARTEMIS (Not Pocket) as well. Please enjoy them.
BEST BRASS exhibits at the upcoming NAMM SHOW 2010, which is held from 14th to 17th in this month. All the Sound Transformers, Mouthpieces, and Trumpets are able to be tested by yourself. Since not so many dealers carry our products in the USA, it would be a good time to try our whole line of the products!
If you say "I have read the BEST BRASS News" at our booth, I might give you a little discount. Besides, I would love to introduce you in this News corner. It is going to be just lots of fun! I will wait for your visit!!!
2010.01.08 Kota Hamanaga